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EV Plan Eligibility Guidance

Oops looks like you need a smart meter

If you don’t have one installed, you can call 1800 312 700 for smart meter installation assistance.

Oops looks like you need a smart meter

Please call 1800 312 700 for new customer assistance and inform that a smart meter installation is required.

Oops looks like you need a meter tariff type change

Please call 1800 462 668 for meter tariff type change assistance.

Oops looks like you need a meter tariff type change

Please call 1800 312 700 for new customer assistance and inform that a meter tariff type change is required.

Oops looks like you're not eligible for the plan

No worries, please call 1800 462 668 and request assistance for a smart meter installation, and meter tariff type change to Time of Use tariff type.

Oops looks like you're not eligible for the plan

No worries, please call 1800 312 700 for new customer assistance.