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Payment help

Our team is here to help you through difficult times.

Our Approach

We understand that times can be tough which can make it hard to keep up with your bills. If you are facing financial difficulties we are here to help so please give us a call as soon as possible. Our team will:

  • always treat you with empathy and respect;

  • try to provide you with more time to pay and/or payment plans – we will try our best to cater to your needs;

  • provide you with assistance on how to lower your energy bills; and

  • provide other forms of assistance to help you stay on top of your accounts.

It is important that you reach out so we can help.

Phone: 1800 515 313
Email: paymenthelp@powershop.com.au

If you are not in a position to speak with Powershop directly you can call and have a representative (e.g. financial counsellor or a friend) speak on your behalf, provided you give them authorisation to do so.

There are plenty of not-for-profit organisations who specialise in financial counselling and welfare assistance.

You may be eligible for a rebate/concession on your Powershop account. For more information on concessions, rebates or grants please check how to apply here.

Payment help

For eligible residential and business customers some of the options available which will help give you peace of mind include: